Note: Min's trip report is in Coral and Bill's comments are in Blue.
Min and Bill's Third Anniversary
This is a two-part trip report as it took place over the two weekends that bracketed our third anniversary.
Click to Read:
Part One
Part Two
Since Min told the WDW Dine agent that it was our anniversary when making the priority seating arrangements, we had very neat experiences at the Garden Grill on the first weekend and Crystal Palace on the second weekend.
At the Garden Grill, we had a "Rehitch'n Ceremonie" with a cake and a fancy piece of paper saying that we had been re-hitched. The full story and pictures including a scan of the certificate are in Part One of the trip report.
At Crystal Palace, our table was decorated with Mickey confetti in the shape of a heart. The full story and pictures can be found in Part Two of the trip report.