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Disney Stuff - Disney Favorites, Trip Reports and Pictures

Disney Favorites

Disney Memories

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Official Walt Disney World Site

AllEars - Unofficial Electronic Newsletter about Walt Disney World from the Team

Steve Soares' Walt Disney World Live Entertainment Site - Info and Times for the Live Shows and Acts at WDW

Usenet Group - Rec.Arts.Disney.Parks FAQ - Discussion News Group for the Disney Parks

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Disney Stuff

Disney Memories

Min's First Visit to Walt Disney World...

These were taken on a trip in 1975. That would make Min two or almost three years old. That is Min riding the tram in her Aunt Janet's lap. Her father, Rick, is the one in the striped shirt. Her mom, Linda, is the one with the drink in her hand, while once again Aunt Janet is holding Min. I think Linda had the right idea, go to WDW and let someone else take care of the kid...





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